Congratulations to Our 2020 Graduates

The long and winding road of the 2019-2020 school year came to a beautiful and emotional ending with the graduation of 7 amazing souls. Evie, Taylor, Ayden, Olivia, Jack, Turner and Kai have all created a multitude of memories and left pieces of them while on their UHS journey.
Although the last trimester played out differently than anyone could have envisioned, graduation was a sight to behold. The graduates and their families (that even expanded to grandparents), gathered in the grass behind the EAC. The beauty of the day and the presence of the dragonflies spoke to the sacredness of this occasion.
Rob introduced each child and their accomplishments while at the school, but more importantly, he captured their true inner being. Phil and Ted played heart touching songs from UHS throughout the ceremony. A few of the teachers addressed the graduates, further showing the depth of investment each teacher has with these UHS students.
The last two to speak were Karen and Phil. They graciously returned from a moving trip to North Carolina to be with the graduates. Karen was emotional as she thanked them for being with her in her last year of teaching. Phil shared that they are “mentors and interns” all at once. That statement truly summarizes the Upland Hills experience….learning and teaching at the same time.
As Phil and Ted ended the ceremony with “The Long and Winding Road” it was hard to find a dry eye. All present realized they were blessed to have been a part of the school that was, in heart, founded by Phil and Karen and so graciously led during their graduates time there by Rob. Even in this unprecedented year, the 2020 graduates of Upland Hills leave knowing that they will always be a UHS student….no matter where their long and winding road leads.