The Past
In the beginning there was a plot of land. The story of the land and how it came into being is fascinating and rich. Through many caretakers from the first Indian tribes, different settlers and lastly to the Knight Webster family, its history lays the foundation of the school. The living, breathing influence of the land and its spirit is woven through the school's history. When a group of parents wanted a different type of education for their children, one that connected the land and at that time, rural family farm life to the daily lives of their children, Upland Hills School grew out of this inspiration and longing.
Every Community has a story keeper. Many Native American tribes tell tales of how the sacred pipes and rituals were buried and hidden for many years in order to keep them safe and untainted. The main architects of Upland Hills School understood this in their souls. They understood from their own educational experiences, that the secret of a person's soul laid in the sacredness of childhood. The secret of a person's life laid in listening and following his intuition. A young couple, embarking on their own life's adventure were the chosen story keepers. They took to heart the seriousness of a child's inner wonderment. They understood that a passion for learning only comes through complete immersion in learning. A person's mind is not separate from his hands. His hands are not separate from his heart. Together a collective of hearts creates a community and sustains life. From a plot of land, a group of parents, a few teachers and a handful of children grew a special way of learning. One that has been redefining education ever since.
The Present
Located on 12 acres of woods and rolling meadows in Oxford, Michigan, Upland Hills School is surrounded by the acreage of Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center, Upland Hills Farm and Bald Mountain Recreation Area. It is a place where children are honored as individuals, where each child's gifts and unique genius are acknowledged and developed and where teachers can fully express their gifts in a supportive and enlivening environment. Our classes often take place in the woods or on trails. We know that the love our children receive every day from this place will bring forth their natural desire to protect and nurture the natural world. We teach our children how to learn and how to understand the connections between all things. We teach them how academic competency is a necessary tool to bring full value to their educational experiences. We hope that the children who are here will help transform our world, today and tomorrow, into a place of compassionate beings. We are deeply committed to helping children become healthy, inspired, encouraged and productive individuals.
The Future
The school is evolving into its next exciting stage of development. With the collaborative effort of the Board of Trustees, staff, parents, alumni and community members, Upland Hills School is whispering its voice into the hearts and minds of people around the world through its inspiring work in education. Tour the different pages of our website and learn how its humble beginnings have begot an important movement in education: keeping children's hearts, minds and spirit connected in learning.