Weekly Notes – 1/10/19
Ted Braude 4 Session Parent Workshop – Tuesdays at 5:30 pm
January 15th & 22th and February 5th &12th
Start off 2019 with a focus on family. We are bringing Ted Braude back for a four session parenting program for you. Come discover and develop the simple, profound dynamics of power, conflict and love for the good of the children, for the good of the parents, for the good of all. This workshop is open to the public, feel free to share with friends & family. The cost of the 4 session workshop is – Individuals: $170.00 Couples: $200.00
Register for the workshop by going to www.boysworkproject.com/market/
- Upland Hills Families are welcome to reserve spots for dinner and childcare by contacting Terry in the school office.
Coffee & Conversation
Join other parents here at school, just after drop off for coffee and conversation. An informal gathering to to sit and visit over your morning brew. Join us Tuesday, January 15th at 9 am in the theatre and we’ll provide the coffee & tea.
Skyline Community Sing – This Sunday
Each month from September to May, we gather for songs and a potluck. All are welcome: children, teens and adults of all ages and all skill levels. We’ll sing some Skyline tunes, folk, world, gospel, acapella, and whatever else makes us happy. Come for a melodic recharge, for joy and fun, but neither perfection nor performance. No experience necessary, just the love of song.
If singing isn’t your thing, but you’d like to join us for the potluck, please do!
You are welcome to listen or go for a hike following the potluck.
What to bring for the potluck? One dish YOU enjoy: a main dish, a side, or a dessert to serve about 8 people.
Led by Shana & Matt Henry Call Shana with questions at (810)-798-8240 or email shana@campskyline.org.
*please note exceptions in italics Sunday, January 13, Friday, February 1 6:30-8:30 pm, Sunday, March 10, Saturday, April 13 no potluck 6-8 pm
Auction 2019
The school auction on March 23rd is approaching quickly!!! The auction committee is busy planning for this one-of-a-kind event! Each year we request UHS families to bring in two donations worth $65 or more each. These needn’t be donations that you personally purchase. Why not ask your favorite local store for a donation? Or even better, donate an experience! This year we are trying to focus on experience-focused items. What does that mean exactly? Perhaps you are a wonderful seamstress and would be willing to donate a couple hours of instruction…. Or maybe you own a business and can offer up time teaching your trade. There are a lot of wonderful cooks at our school – perhaps a couple hour course making your favorite family meals? There are so many options! Donation sheets will be available at the auction area near the school office. Please remember to fill out completely – especially the value of your donation.
Please note that the venue has changed from the previous two years. The auction will be held at Noah Event Center in Auburn Hills. Invitations will be mailed the first week in February.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Bev & Staci (Auction Co-Coordinators)
Winter Wonderland Dance
We would like to let you know that there is a school dance coming up. It will be on Friday, February 1st at 6:30 – 9:00 pm and will be held in the big room of the school. All age students and their siblings are welcome.
We need snacks!
The dance committee would appreciate any contributions to the potluck snack menu. Drop the off in the kitchen the evening of the dance
We will have a donation box to cover the cost of the DJ. So please think about donating $5 or so.
We hope you are able to come.
-The Dance Committee
***Please do not drop students off to the dance. Come join the fun!
Student attendees should come with a parent or supervising adult.***
Have you had a chance to read Rob’s post called, “Is Listening to a Book Cheating?” ?
Find it here:
UHS Ski-Club is back every Friday during ski season. Contact Kathryn Hill for more information at jhill535118@comcast.net. Also check for updates on the Upland Hills School Ski & Snowboard Club Facebook page.
Theater Play Shop CD’s are in!
We have CD’s available from last spring’s production of Alice and from the fall production of Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas. $10 each, available in the office.
*School notes can now always be found on the UHS website under the “Resources” tab or just scroll down to the purple section.
January 13th – 5:00 – Community Sing at Camp Skyline
January 15th 9;00 am – Coffee and Conversation
January 15th at 5:30 pm – Parenting Workshop with Ted Braude
January 22 at 5:30 pm – Parenting Workshop with Ted Braude
January 28 – Martin Luther King Day – SCHOOL IN SESSION
February 1 at 6:30 pm – Winter Wonderland School Dance
February 5 at 5:30 – Parenting Workshop with Ted Braude
February 12 at 5:30 – Parenting Workshop with Ted Braude
February 18 & 19 – Parent Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL
February 20, 21 & 22 – Winter Break – NO SCHOOL
March 4 12:30 pm – Arts Festival and JPB Performance of Winnie The Pooh
Access the school calendar at https://uplandhills.org/calendar/
* The school calendar sold by Robert does not include all dates!