October 25, 2018
From Our Hearts Through Our Hands
Thank you to everyone who attended and donated to the 27th year of Empty Bowls. One of our favorite community gatherings each year, it was a wonderful night of giving, sharing, singing and love. Thanks to your generosity we raised $1450 for local food bank, Gleaners. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers and all the students who made soup, bread and butter. And a very special thank you to, Elaine Grejda and the students in clay class who made all of the beautiful bowls to take home.
Invitation to join the Auction Committee
First meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 7th 7:00 pm at Bigalora in Rochester.
Planning for this year’s auction fundraiser on March 23rd is underway! This year both Bev Coppins and Staci Brodeur (a former Auction Coordinator) will co-coordinate the event together. Would you like to become part of this fun and wonderful event? We would love to have you on the auction planning committee! There are many auction tasks and we can find a job that will suit any talent. Meetings are held once a month, in the evening at a local restaurant. These meetings are a great way to brainstorm about the auction, meet new parents and have a great time! You do not need to attend every meeting in order to be on the committee. If you’d like more information please contact: bcoppins@hotmail.com or pilateswithstaci@gmail.com.
Please help spread the word on Hamilton by sharing this link on your Facebook or social media pages: uplandhills.org/hamilton
Student Absences and Tardies
If your child is going to be absent or tardy, please call the office at (248) 693-2878 to let us know. We will then inform your morning meeting teacher.
Conference Sign-Up
The first parent-teacher conferences of the year are Monday and Tuesday, November 19 & 20. To schedule your preferred day and time, call Terry: 248-693-2878.
Parent / School Portal
If you have phone number changes, email address changes, etc. please update them on the parent portal. The parent portal link is located on the school website: www.uplandhills.org. The portal can be accessed on the website under resources or at the very bottom of the homepage. If you have trouble with your login or password please contact Terry Gardner: 248-693-2878.
UHS Music for sale
We have CD’s of last years musical, Alice available in the school lobby! Ted has put together a beautiful album, as usual. CD’s are $10, payable in the office. All proceeds support the theater program.
Theatre Play Shop (TPS) Presents Emmett Otters Jugband Christmas
All are invited to join us on Nov. 10th at 7pm in the Karen Joy Theater, afterglow party to follow.
Jelly Bean Players (JBP)
Parents of children that are in the JBP skit are welcome to join us November 16 at 2pm for the play with pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving celebration to follow.
Please consider these two easy ways to support UHS:
Upland Hills is a designated charity on Amazon. When you order through Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com, and UHS will realize a donation at no additional cost to you!
Kroger Community Rewards
You can support UHS while you shop! Enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards Program and each time that you shop, funds will be raised in support of our school. To sign up, go to https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow.
Spirit Wear – One week left to order spiritwear!
UHS Spirit wear online store is open! Orders may be placed through November 2nd. Items ordered will be available for pick up at the November Parent Teacher conferences. Place your order at http://freshhotshirts.com/uplandhills
Upcoming Dates
- October 26-27 – Dom’s group Shakespeare Trip to Stratford, Ont.
- October 30 – Melissa’s Group Field Trip to Van Hoosen Farm
- November 1-2 – Fall Recess No School
- November 5th – Melissa and Robert’s Literacy Night
- November 7th at 7 pm – Auction Core Committee Meeting at Bigalora in Rochester
- November 9 at 2:00pm – TPS Fall Play / Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas
- November 10 at 7:00pm – TPS Fall Play / Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas
- November 16 at 2:00pm – JBP Performance / Thanksgiving Celebration
- November 17th at 10:00am – Dr Cass Ingram presentation *see below for info
- November 17th at 6:00pm- Holiday Decoration DIY Pallet Party
- November 19-20 – Parent conferences & UHS Book Fair
- November 29 – Presentation for Parents with Ted Braude *see below for info
- December 12 – Bigalora Community Dinner *UHS receives a 20% donation of all sales!
- Access the school calendar at https://uplandhills.org/calendar/
- The school calendar sold by Robert does not include all dates!
Special Guests and Events Coming in November
Upland Hills friend and children’s book author and illustrator, Brianne Farley will be visiting school at the end of November. We thought you might want to check out a few of her books before she visits so students can acquaint themselves with her work. Brianne wrote and illustrated Ike’s Incredible Ink, and Secret Tree Fort and has illustrated Charlotte the Scientist is Squished and Building Books.
On Saturday, November 17th at 10:00am in the Karen Joy Theater, Upland Hills will be hosting Dr Cass Ingram. Dr. Ingram, an osteopathic physician is one of North America’s leading experts on the health benefits and disease fighting properties of wild medicinal spice extracts. He specializes in reversing infection and inflammation including heart disease, arthritis, lyme, fungus, digestive disorders and more all with natural cures. This event is sponsored by our neighbor and friends at Simple Organics. Flyers available outside the office.
Family Matters, a presentation by Ted Braude – November 29th at 5:30 pm
Family Matters: Power, Conflict and Love in Parent-Child Relationship.
Family Matters introduces the mysterious dynamics of power, conflict and love in parent – child relationships. It offers an unique vision and practical practices parents can use immediately with beauty, grace and care that creates healthy personal power for the children and more love in the family. A longtime friend of Upland Hills School, Ted is an integral psychologist, licensed Master Social Worker, author, therapist, mentor, a martial artist and musician. Family Dinner and child care are available for this event. To determine food quantities and child care support please RSVP to for this evening. RSVP is not necessary to attend the presentation only. Dinner will be served from 4:oopm – 5:00 pm followed by the presentation at 5:30 pm.
Upland Hills Harvest Store
The store has these organically grown vegetables for sale at school:
-2lbs Onions $3
-5lbs White Potatoes (kennebecs) $10
-Garlic $1/ bulb
-Winter squash $1- $2 each depending on size
We have spaghetti, delicata, buttercup, red Kuri (a red hubbard type)
Stock up now for Thanksgivingl. See our table/store next to the office. Cash or checks. Potatoes not kept on the store table because the light may adversely affect the potatoes. Check under the table or see Ken for the potatoes. Email uhcsa@uplandhillscsa.org for large orders.
Pure Foods Kitchen Grab and Go
Step inside the food trailer between 8:30am-4pm every week day for coffee, breakfast offerings, smoothies, soups, dinners and more. Pay by cash or credit card. Follow them on instagram! @purefoodskitchen
Follow us on Instagram @uplandhills.school